Perl Weekly Challenge 312.

My solutions (task 1 and task 2 ) to the The Weekly Challenge - 312.

Task 1: Minimum Time

Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar
You are given a typewriter with lowercase english letters a to z arranged in a circle.

Typing a character takes 1 sec. You can move pointer one character clockwise or anti-clockwise.

The pointer initially points at a.

Write a script to return minimum time it takes to print the given string.

Example 1
Input: $str = "abc"
Output: 5

The pointer is at 'a' initially.
1 sec - type the letter 'a'
1 sec - move pointer clockwise to 'b'
1 sec - type the letter 'b'
1 sec - move pointer clockwise to 'c'
1 sec - type the letter 'c'
Example 2
Input: $str = "bza"
Output: 7

The pointer is at 'a' initially.
1 sec - move pointer clockwise to 'b'
1 sec - type the letter 'b'
1 sec - move pointer anti-clockwise to 'a'
1 sec - move pointer anti-clockwise to 'z'
1 sec - type the letter 'z'
1 sec - move pointer clockwise to 'a'
1 sec - type the letter 'a'
Example 3
Input: $str = "zjpc"
Output: 34

I split the input strings into characters and map a-z to the numbers 0-25. The number of steps $s to reach a letter $y starting from letter $x going clockwise is then $s=$y-$x if $y>=$x. If $y<$x I can give a full turn taking 26 steps and then subtract the distance |$y-$x|=$x-$y, so I would have to walk $s=26+$x-$y steps. Both results can be summarized as $s=($y-$x)%26 using modular arithmetic. Similarly, to reach $y from $x going anticlockwise I just change the sign, $s=($x-$y)%26. I can compute both numbers and choose the smallest one. There is an additional operation for printing each letter, so I have to add to the total number of steps the length of the string. This yields a 1.5-liner


perl -MList::Util=min -E '
for map{(ord)-97}split "";say "$_ -> $s"}
' abc bza zjpc


abc -> 5
bza -> 7
zjpc -> 34

The full code is:

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 312
 2  # Task 1:  Minimum Time
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.36;
 6  use List::Util qw(min);
 7  die <<~"FIN" unless @ARGV;
 8      Usage: $0 S1 S2...
 9      to find the time required to print the strings S1 S2...
10      using a daisy typerwriter
11      FIN
12  my $ord_a = ord("a");
13  my $Nletters=1 + ord("z") - $ord_a;
14  for(@ARGV){
15      my $time=length;
16      my $current=0;
17      my $difference;
18      ($difference, $current) =($current-$_, $_),
19          $time += min($difference % $Nletters, -$difference % $Nletters)
20          for map {(ord)-$ord_a } split "";
21      say "$_ -> $time"}


./ abc bza zjpc


abc -> 5
bza -> 7
zjpc -> 34

Task 2: Balls and Boxes

Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar
There are $n balls of mixed colors: red, blue or green. They are all distributed
in 10 boxes labelled 0-9.

You are given a string describing the location of balls.

Write a script to find the number of boxes containing all three colors. Return 0
if none found.

Example 1
Input: $str = "G0B1R2R0B0"
Output: 1

The given string describes there are 5 balls as below:
Box 0: Green(G0), Red(R0), Blue(B0) => 3 balls
Box 1: Blue(B1) => 1 ball
Box 2: Red(R2) => 1 ball
Example 2
Input: $str = "G1R3R6B3G6B1B6R1G3"
Output: 3

The given string describes there are 9 balls as below:
Box 1: Red(R1), Blue(B1), Green(G1) => 3 balls
Box 3: Red(R3), Blue(B3), Green(G3) => 3 balls
Box 6: Red(R6), Blue(B6), Green(G6) => 3 balls
Example 3
Input: $str = "B3B2G1B3"
Output: 0

Box 1: Green(G1) => 1 ball
Box 2: Blue(B2)  => 1 ball
Box 3: Blue(B3)  => 2 balls

I build an array of boxes containing a hash that maps colors to number of balls. Then I map each box to a boolean value, true (1) if all colors have been initialized, and I sum those values over all boxes. The result fits a 1.5-liner.


perl -MList::Util=all,sum0 -E '
for(@ARGV){my @b;for my($c,$b)(split ""){++$b[$b]{$c}}say "$_ -> ",sum0
' G0B1R2R0B0 G1R3R6B3G6B1B6R1G3 B3B2G1B3


G0B1R2R0B0 -> 1
G1R3R6B3G6B1B6R1G3 -> 3
B3B2G1B3 -> 0

The full code is

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 312
 2  # Task 2:  Balls and Boxes
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.40;
 6  use List::Util qw(sum0 all);
 7  die <<~"FIN" unless @ARGV;
 8      Usage: $0 S1 S2...
 9      to count boxes with balls of all colors, where each strings Sn is of the form
10      P1P2... with each pair Pj of the form Cb with C a color (R, G or B) and b a
11      box number (0..9), meaning there is a ball of color C in box b.
12      FIN
13  for(@ARGV){
14      try {
15          die "Wrong format: $_" unless /^([RGB]\d)*$/;
16          my @boxes;
17          for my($color, $box) (split ""){
18              ++$boxes[$box]{$color};
19          }
20          say "$_ -> ",sum0 map{all{$_}@{$boxes[$_]}{qw(R G B)}}(0..@boxes-1);
21      } catch($e) {
22          say $e;
23      }
24  }


./ G0B1R2R0B0 G1R3R6B3G6B1B6R1G3 B3B2G1B3


G0B1R2R0B0 -> 1
G1R3R6B3G6B1B6R1G3 -> 3
B3B2G1B3 -> 0


Written on March 9, 2025