Perl Weekly Challenge 255.

My solutions (task 1 and task 2 ) to the The Weekly Challenge - 255.

Task 1: Odd Character

Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar
You are given two strings, $s and $t. The string $t is generated
using the shuffled characters of the string $s with an additional character.

Write a script to find the additional character in the string $t..

Example 1
Input: $s = "Perl" $t = "Preel"
Output: "e"
Example 2
Input: $s = "Weekly" $t = "Weeakly"
Output: "a"
Example 3
Input: $s = "Box" $t = "Boxy"
Output: "y"

I can count each character using a hash, up for the string $t and down for the string $s, and look for the odd character with a count of -1. I simplify the code by deleting the entries with a count of 0, so I get all odd characters, in case there are more than one. This fits a oneliner:

Example 1:

perl -E '
($t,$s)=@ARGV; ++$c{$_} for split "", fc $t; --$c{$_}||delete $c{$_} for split "", fc $s; say "$t, $s -> ", keys %c;
' Perl Preel


Perl, Preel -> e

Example 2:

perl -E '
($t,$s)=@ARGV; ++$c{$_} for split "", fc $t; --$c{$_}||delete $c{$_} for split "", fc $s; say "$t, $s -> ", keys %c;
' Weekly Weeakly


Weekly, Weeakly -> a

Example 3:

perl -E '
($t,$s)=@ARGV; ++$c{$_} for split "", fc $t; --$c{$_}||delete $c{$_} for split "", fc $s; say "$t, $s -> ", keys %c;
' Box Boxy


Box, Boxy -> y

For the full code I use for_list and add some tests:

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 255
 2  # Task 1:  Odd Character
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.36;
 6  use experimental qw(for_list);
 7  die <<~"FIN" unless @ARGV && @ARGV%2==0;
 8      Usage: $0 S0 T0 [S1 T1...]
 9      to find the odd characters in the string pairs Sn Tn
10      FIN
11  for my ($s,$t)(@ARGV){
12      warn "Length should differ by one" unless length $t == 1+length $s;
13      my %count;
14      ++$count{$_} for split "", fc $s;
15      --$count{$_}||delete $count{$_} for split "", fc $t;
16      warn "More than one odd character" unless (keys %count)==1;
17      say "$t, $s -> ", keys %count;
18  }


./ Perl Preel Weekly Weeakly Box Boxy


Perl, Preel -> e
Weekly, Weeakly -> a
Box, Boxy -> y

Task 2: Most Frequent Word

Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar
You are given a paragraph $p and a banned word $w.

Write a script to return the most frequent word that is not banned.

Example 1
Input: $p = "Joe hit a ball, the hit ball flew far after it was hit."
       $w = "hit"
Output: "ball"

The banned word "hit" occurs 3 times.
The other word "ball" occurs 2 times.
Example 2
Input: $p = "Perl and Raku belong to the same family. Perl is the
most popular language in the weekly challenge."
       $w = "the"
Output: "Perl"

The banned word "the" occurs 3 times.
The other word "Perl" occurs 2 times.

I can count all words with a hash, delete the banned entry and then find that with the largest frequency. I use max_by from List::UtilsBy or List::AllUtils. I split the paragraph on non-word characters. This yields a one and a half liner:

Example 1:

perl -MList::UtilsBy=max_by -E '
($w, $p)=@ARGV; ++$c{fc $_} for split /\W+/, $p; delete $c{fc $w};
say "$w\n$p\n->\n", max_by{$c{$_}} keys %c;
' hit "Joe hit a ball, the hit ball flew far after it was hit."


Joe hit a ball, the hit ball flew far after it was hit.

Example 2:

perl -MList::UtilsBy=max_by -E '
($w, $p)=@ARGV; ++$c{fc $_} for split /\W+/, $p; delete $c{$w};
say "$w\n$p\n->\n", max_by{$c{$_}} keys %c;
' the \
  "Perl and Raku belong to the same family. Perl is the
   most popular language in the weekly challenge."


Perl and Raku belong to the same family. Perl is the
   most popular language in the weekly challenge.

The full code is similar:

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 255
 2  # Task 2:  Most Frequent Word
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.36;
 6  use List::UtilsBy qw(max_by);
 7  die <<~"FIN" unless @ARGV==2;
 8      Usage: $0 S ¨P
 9      to find the most frequent word in paragraph P excluding the word S
10      FIN
11  my ($w, $p)=@ARGV;
12  my %count;
13  ++$count{fc $_} for split /\W+/, $p;
14  delete $count{fc $w};
15  say "\n$w\n$p\n->\n", max_by{$count{$_}} keys %count;


./ hit "Joe hit a ball, the hit ball flew far after it was hit."
./ the \
  "Perl and Raku belong to the same family. Perl is the
   most popular language in the weekly challenge."


Joe hit a ball, the hit ball flew far after it was hit.

Perl and Raku belong to the same family. Perl is the
   most popular language in the weekly challenge.


Written on February 5, 2024