Perl Weekly Challenge 239.

My solutions (task 1 and task 2 ) to the The Weekly Challenge - 239.

Task 1: Same String

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given two arrays of strings.

Write a script to find out if the word created by concatenating the array elements is the same.

Example 1
Input: @arr1 = ("ab", "c")
       @arr2 = ("a", "bc")
Output: true

Using @arr1, word1 => "ab" . "c" => "abc"
Using @arr2, word2 => "a" . "bc" => "abc"
Example 2
Input: @arr1 = ("ab", "c")
       @arr2 = ("ac", "b")
Output: false

Using @arr1, word1 => "ab" . "c" => "abc"
Using @arr2, word2 => "ac" . "b" => "acb"
Example 3
Input: @arr1 = ("ab", "cd", "e")
       @arr2 = ("abcde")
Output: true

Using @arr1, word1 => "ab" . "cd" . "e" => "abcde"
Using @arr2, word2 => "abcde"

I input each array as a space separated string. The trivial solution would be then to remove the spaces and compare the results, but as it seems like cheating, I first split them into two arrays, then join them and compare. The result is a simple one-liner.

Example 1:

perl -E '
@x=split " ", shift; @y=split " ", shift; say "(@x), (@y) -> ", (join "", @x) eq (join "",@y)?"True":"False"
' "ab c" "a bc"


(ab c), (a bc) -> True

Example 2:

perl -E '
@x=split " ", shift; @y=split " ", shift; say "(@x), (@y) -> ", (join "", @x) eq (join "",@y)?"True":"False"
' "ab c" "ac b"


(ab c), (ac b) -> False

Example 3:

perl -E '
@x=split " ", shift; @y=split " ", shift; say "(@x), (@y) -> ", (join "", @x) eq (join "",@y)?"True":"False"
' "ab cd e" "abcde"


(ab cd e), (abcde) -> True

The full code is similar.

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 239
 2  # Task 1:  Same String
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.36;
 6  die <<~"FIN" unless @ARGV==2;
 7      Usage: $0 AR1 AR2
 8      to check if the space separated lists of strings ARn concatenate
 9      to the same string.
10      FIN
11  my @ar1=split " ", shift;
12  my @ar2=split " ", shift;
13  say "(@ar1), (@ar2) -> ", (join "", @ar1) eq (join "",@ar2)?"True":"False"


./ "ab c" "a bc"
./ "ab c" "ac b"
./ "ab cd e" "abcde"


(ab c), (a bc) -> True
(ab c), (ac b) -> False
(ab cd e), (abcde) -> True

Task 2: Consistent Strings

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given an array of strings and allowed string having distinct characters.

A string is consistent if all characters in the string appear in the string allowed.

Write a script to return the number of consistent strings in the given array.

Example 1
Input: @str = ("ad", "bd", "aaab", "baa", "badab")
       $allowed = "ab"
Output: 2

Strings "aaab" and "baa" are consistent since they only contain characters 'a' and 'b'.
Example 2
Input: @str = ("a", "b", "c", "ab", "ac", "bc", "abc")
       $allowed = "abc"
Output: 7
Example 3
Input: @str = ("cc", "acd", "b", "ba", "bac", "bad", "ac", "d")
       $allowed = "cad"
Output: 4

Strings "cc", "acd", "ac", and "d" are consistent.

To solve this task I make a hash of allowed characters and use it to check all characters of all strings. I assume the first input in @ARGV is the allowed string and the rest are the strings to test. I assume upper and lower case letters differ. With all from List::Util the code fits a one-liner.

Example 1:

perl -MList::Util=all -E '
map{$x{$_}++} split "", $x=shift; @o=grep{all {$x{$_}} split ""}@ARGV; say "$x: @ARGV -> ",0+@o;
' ab ad bd aaab baa badab


ab: ad bd aaab baa badab -> 2

Example 2:

perl -MList::Util=all -E '
map{$x{$_}++} split "", $x=shift; @o=grep{all {$x{$_}} split ""}@ARGV; say "$x: @ARGV -> ",0+@o;
' abc a b c ab ac bc abc


abc: a b c ab ac bc abc -> 7

Example 3:

perl -MList::Util=all -E '
map{$x{$_}++} split "", $x=shift; @o=grep{all {$x{$_}} split ""}@ARGV; say "$x: @ARGV -> ",0+@o;
' cad cc acd b ba bac bad ac d


cad: cc acd b ba bac bad ac d -> 4

The full code is similar:

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 239
 2  # Task 2:  Consistent Strings
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.36;
 6  use List::Util qw(all);
 7  die <<~"FIN" unless @ARGV;
 8      Usage: $0 A S1 [S2...]
 9      Count how many of the strings Sn are consistent with the allowed characters in string A.
10      FIN
11  my $allowed=shift;
12  my %allowed;
13  map {$allowed{$_}++} split "", $allowed;
14  my @output = grep{all {$allowed{$_}} split ""} @ARGV;
15  say "Allowed: $allowed. Strings: @ARGV -> ",0+@output;


./ ab ad bd aaab baa badab
./ abc a b c ab ac bc abc
./ cad cc acd b ba bac bad ac d


Allowed: ab. Strings: ad bd aaab baa badab -> 2
Allowed: abc. Strings: a b c ab ac bc abc -> 7
Allowed: cad. Strings: cc acd b ba bac bad ac d -> 4
Written on October 15, 2023