Perl Weekly Challenge 203.

My solutions (task 1 and task 2 ) to the The Weekly Challenge - 203.

Task 1: Special Quadruplets

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given an array of integers.

Write a script to find out the total special quadruplets for the given array.

Special Quadruplets are such that satisfies the following 2 rules.
1. nums[a] + nums[b] + nums[c] == nums[d]
2. a < b < c < d

Example 1
Input: @nums = (1,2,3,6)
Output: 1

Since the only special quadruplets found is $nums[0] + $nums[1] + $nums[2] == $nums[3].
Example 2
Input: @nums = (1,1,1,3,5)
Output: 4

$nums[0] + $nums[1] + $nums[2] == $nums[3]
$nums[0] + $nums[1] + $nums[3] == $nums[4]
$nums[0] + $nums[2] + $nums[3] == $nums[4]
$nums[1] + $nums[2] + $nums[3] == $nums[4]
Example 3
Input: @nums = (3,3,6,4,5)
Output: 0

I use combinations from Algorithm::Combinatorics to generate quadruplets, I grep the special ones and count them with a oneliner:

perl -MAlgorithm::Combinatorics=combinations -E '
say join " ", @ARGV, "->", 0+grep {$_->[3]==$_->[0]+$_->[1]+$_->[2]}  combinations(\@ARGV,4)
' 1 2 3 6
perl -MAlgorithm::Combinatorics=combinations -E '
say join " ", @ARGV, "->", 0+grep {$_->[3]==$_->[0]+$_->[1]+$_->[2]}  combinations(\@ARGV,4)
' 1 1 1 3 5
perl -MAlgorithm::Combinatorics=combinations -E '
say join " ", @ARGV, "->", 0+grep {$_->[3]==$_->[0]+$_->[1]+$_->[2]}  combinations(\@ARGV,4)
' 3 3 6 4 5


1 2 3 6 -> 1
1 1 1 3 5 -> 4
3 3 6 4 5 -> 0

The full code is almost identical:

1  # Perl weekly challenge 203
2  # Task 1:  Special Quadruplets
3  #
4  # See
5  use v5.36;
6  use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(combinations);
7  say join " ", @ARGV, "->", 0+grep {$_->[3]==$_->[0]+$_->[1]+$_->[2]}  combinations(\@ARGV,4);


./ 1 2 3 6
./ 1 1 1 3 5
./ 3 3 6 4 5


1 2 3 6 -> 1
1 1 1 3 5 -> 4
3 3 6 4 5 -> 0

Task 2: Copy Directory

Submitted by: Julien Fiegehenn
You are given path to two folders, $source and $target.

Write a script that recursively copy the directory from $source to $target except any files.

Input: $source = '/a/b/c' and $target = '/x/y'

Source directory structure:

├── a
│   └── b
│       └── c
│           ├── 1
│           │   └── 1.txt
│           ├── 2
│           │   └── 2.txt
│           ├── 3
│           │   └── 3.txt
│           ├── 4
│           └── 5
│               └── 5.txt

Target directory structure:

├── x
│   └── y

Expected Result:

├── x
│   └── y
|       ├── 1
│       ├── 2
│       ├── 3
│       ├── 4
│       └── 5

I solve this task recursively using the core subroutines opendir to open source directories, readdir to read their contents, -d to test if a file is a directory and mkdir to make new directories. The program fits a twoliner.

rm -r rem # use a temporal directory for the test
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do mkdir -p rem/a/b/c/$i; done # prepare the given structure
for i in 1 2 3 5; do touch rem/a/b/c/$i/$i.txt; done
mkdir -p rem/x/y
echo "Before"
tree rem # print the starting directory structure

perl -Mautodie -E '
c(@ARGV); sub c($f, $t){opendir my $h, $f;for(grep {!/^\./ && -d "$f/$_"} readdir($h)){
mkdir "$t/$_";	c("$f/$_", "$t/$_");}}
' rem/a/b/c rem/x/y

echo "After"
tree rem # print resulting structure


├── a
│   └── b
│       └── c
│           ├── 1
│           │   └── 1.txt
│           ├── 2
│           │   └── 2.txt
│           ├── 3
│           │   └── 3.txt
│           ├── 4
│           └── 5
│               └── 5.txt
└── x
    └── y

11 directories, 4 files

├── a
│   └── b
│       └── c
│           ├── 1
│           │   └── 1.txt
│           ├── 2
│           │   └── 2.txt
│           ├── 3
│           │   └── 3.txt
│           ├── 4
│           └── 5
│               └── 5.txt
└── x
    └── y
        ├── 1
        ├── 2
        ├── 3
        ├── 4
        └── 5

16 directories, 4 files

The full code is similar.

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 203
 2  # Task 2:  Copy Directory
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.36;
 6  die <<~"FIN" if @ARGV!=2;
 7      Usage: $0 dir1 dir2
 8      to copy the directory structure under dir1  to dir2
 9      FIN
10  copydir(@ARGV);
11  sub copydir($from, $to){
12      opendir my $handle, $from || die "Couldn't open $from: $!";
13      for(grep {!/^\./ && -d "$from/$_"} readdir($handle)){
14  	mkdir "$to/$_" || die "Couldn't create $to/$_";
15  	copydir("$from/$_", "$to/$_");
16      }
17  }


rm -r rem # use a temporal directory for the test
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do mkdir -p rem/a/b/c/$i; done # prepare the given structure
for i in 1 2 3 5; do touch rem/a/b/c/$i/$i.txt; done
mkdir -p rem/x/y
echo "Before"
tree rem # print the starting directory structure
./ rem/a/b/c rem/x/y
echo "After"
tree rem # print resulting structure


├── a
│   └── b
│       └── c
│           ├── 1
│           │   └── 1.txt
│           ├── 2
│           │   └── 2.txt
│           ├── 3
│           │   └── 3.txt
│           ├── 4
│           └── 5
│               └── 5.txt
└── x
    └── y

11 directories, 4 files

├── a
│   └── b
│       └── c
│           ├── 1
│           │   └── 1.txt
│           ├── 2
│           │   └── 2.txt
│           ├── 3
│           │   └── 3.txt
│           ├── 4
│           └── 5
│               └── 5.txt
└── x
    └── y
        ├── 1
        ├── 2
        ├── 3
        ├── 4
        └── 5

16 directories, 4 files
Written on February 6, 2023