Perl Weekly Challenge 113.

My solutions (task 1a, task 1, task 1b, and task 2) to the The Weekly Challenge - 113.

Task 1: Represent Integer

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given a positive integer $N and a digit $D.

Write a script to check if $N can be represented as a sum of
positive integers having $D at least once. If check passes
print 1 otherwise 0.

Input: $N = 25, $D = 7
Output: 0 as there are 2 numbers between 1 and 25 having the
        digit 7 i.e. 7 and 17. If we add up both we don't get 25.

Input: $N = 24, $D = 7
Output: 1

This may be considered a combinatorial problem that could be solved by examining all subsets of the set of numbers that has at least one digit $D and testing if their sum gives $N. The subsets may be numbered by a binary number where each bit corresponds to a given candidate number which is included if the bit is 1 or excluded if the bit is 0. I make an iterator that produces all the subsets of a given set. Simple but slow.

# Perl weekly challenge 113
# Task 1: Represent integer. Slow, exhaustive
# See
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.12;
use List::Util qw(sum0);
use POSIX qw(floor);

my ($N, $D)=@ARGV; #get arguments from command line.
    die "Usage: ./ positive-integer digit"
    unless defined $N and defined $D and $N>=0
           and $D=~m/^\d$/ and $N==floor $N;
my $next=subsets(grep {m/$D/} (1..$N));
while(my @subset=$next->()){
    say("Inputs: N=$N D=$D: Output: 1 as $N=",
         join "+", @subset), exit if sum0(@subset)==$N;
say "Inputs: N=$N D=$D: Output: 0";

sub subsets {
    my @set=@_;
    my $subset_counter=2**@set; # Total number of subsets
    my $done=0;
    sub {
	return () if $done;
	$done=1, return () unless $subset_counter;
	my @subset=grep {defined $_}
                        map {$subset_counter&(1<<$_)?$set[$_]:undef}
	return @subset;


./ 25 7
./ 24 7


Inputs: N=25 D=7: Output: 0
Inputs: N=24 D=7: Output: 1 as 24=7+17

Another example:

./ 125 7


Inputs: N=125 D=7: Output: 1 as 125=47+78

The combinatorial method above works, but it is extremely slow.

time (./ 125 7) 2>&1


Inputs: N=125 D=7: Output: 1 as 125=47+78

real	0m11.182s
user	0m11.104s
sys	0m0.016s

I guess it could be made much faster if I discard earlier those subsets that would fail anyway. Thus I try a recursive solution that discards elements that are too large.

# Perl weekly challenge 113
# Task 1: Represent integer. Faster, recursive
# See
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.12;
use List::Util qw(sum0);
use POSIX qw(floor);

my ($N, $D)=@ARGV; #get arguments from command line.
    die "Usage: ./ positive-integer digit"
    unless defined $N and defined $D and $N>=0
           and $D=~m/^\d$/ and $N==floor $N;
my @set=reverse grep {m/$D/} (1..$N); # ordered set from large to small.
my @answer=find($N,@set);
say("Inputs: N=$N D=$D: Output: ",
    @answer? "1 as $N=". join("+", @answer):"0");

sub find {
    my ($goal, @set)=@_;
    while(defined (my $current=shift @set)){
	next if $current > $goal;
	return ($current) if $current==$goal;
	my @answer=find($goal-$current, @set);
	return ($current,@answer) if @answer;
    return ();


./ 25 7
./ 24 7


Inputs: N=25 D=7: Output: 0
Inputs: N=24 D=7: Output: 1 as 24=17+7

Another example:

time (./ 125 7) 2>&1


Inputs: N=125 D=7: Output: 1 as 125=78+47

real	0m0.014s
user	0m0.014s
sys	0m0.000s

Thus, I can try now much larger examples:

time (./ 12345689 7) 2>&1


Inputs: N=12345689 D=7: Output: 1 as 12345689=12345672+17

real	0m19.920s
user	0m18.991s
sys	0m0.795s

Playing with the program, I realized (it should have been obvious), that the output is 1 for all numbers larger or equal than 10*$D. Thus, the process could be short-circuited.

# Perl weekly challenge 113
# Task 1: Represent integer. Even faster, recursive with cutoff.
# See
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.12;
use List::Util qw(sum0);
use POSIX qw(floor);

my ($N, $D)=@ARGV; #get arguments from command line.
die "Usage: ./ positive-integer digit"
    unless defined $N and defined $D and $N>=0
    and $D=~m/^\d$/ and $N==floor $N;
say("Inputs: N=$N D=$D: Output: 1 as $N>=",$D*10), exit if $N>=$D*10;
my @set=reverse grep {m/$D/} (1..$N); # ordered set from large to small.
my @answer=find($N,@set);
say("Inputs: N=$N D=$D: Output: ",
    @answer? "1 as $N=". join("+", @answer):"0");

sub find {
    my ($goal, @set)=@_;
    while(defined (my $current=shift @set)){
	next if $current > $goal;
	return ($current) if $current==$goal;
	my @answer=find($goal-$current, @set);
	return ($current,@answer) if @answer;
    return ();


./ 25 7
./ 24 7
./ 125 7
./ 12345689 7


Inputs: N=25 D=7: Output: 0
Inputs: N=24 D=7: Output: 1 as 24=17+7
Inputs: N=125 D=7: Output: 1 as 125>=70
Inputs: N=12345689 D=7: Output: 1 as 12345689>=70

Task 2: Recreate Binary Tree

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given a Binary Tree.

Write a script to replace each node of the tree with the sum of all
the remaining nodes.

Input Binary Tree
       / \
      2   3
     /   / \
    4   5   6
Output Binary Tree
       /  \
      26  25
     /   /  \
    24  23  22

The sum of all the remaining nodes plus the given node is a constant, the sum of all nodes. Thus a solution is given by summing all nodes, recreating the original tree, and replacing each node by its value substracted from the sum. As the tree is binary, I may represent it as an array of the form [value, left, right] where left and right are subtrees or empty arrays. This is ugly but simple and unambiguous. For simplicity, I use recursion.

# Perl weekly challenge 113
# Task 2: Recreate binary tree.
# See
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.12;
use List::Util qw(sum0);

while(my $tree_string=shift @ARGV){
    say "Input:  $tree_string";
    die "Suspicious tree $tree_string"
         unless $tree_string=~m{^[][,\-+\d\.\se]*$};
    my $tree=eval $tree_string;
    die "Bad expression: @!" if @!;
    say "Output: ",
        stringify_tree(subtract_tree($tree, sum_tree($tree)));

sub sum_tree { #sum and do some rough validation
    my $node=shift;
    die "Wrong format" unless ref($node) eq "ARRAY";
    return 0 if @$node==0;
    return $node->[0]
           +sum0 map {sum_tree($node->[$_])} (1,2) if @$node==3;
    die "Wrong format";

sub subtract_tree {
    my ($node, $from)=@_;
    return [] if @$node==0;
    return [$from-$node->[0],
            map {subtract_tree($node->[$_], $from)} (1,2)];

sub stringify_tree {
    my $node=shift;
    return "[]" if @$node==0;
    return sprintf("[%s,%s,%s]", $node->[0],
           map {stringify_tree($node->[$_])} (1,2));


./ [1,[2,[4,[],[7,[],[]]],[]],[3,[5,[],[]],[6,[],[]]]]


Input:  [1,[2,[4,[],[7,[],[]]],[]],[3,[5,[],[]],[6,[],[]]]]
Output: [27,[26,[24,[],[21,[],[]]],[]],[25,[23,[],[]],[22,[],[]]]]
Written on May 22, 2021