Perl Weekly Challenge 265.

My solutions (task 1 and task 2 ) to the The Weekly Challenge - 265.

Task 1: 33% Appearance

Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar
You are given an array of integers, @ints.

Write a script to find an integer in the given array that appeared 33%
or more. If more than one found, return the smallest. If none found then
return undef.

Example 1
Input: @ints = (1,2,3,3,3,3,4,2)
Output: 3

1 appeared 1 times.
2 appeared 2 times.
3 appeared 4 times.

3 appeared 50% (>33%) in the given array.
Example 2
Input: @ints = (1,1)
Output: 1

1 appeared 2 times.

1 appeared 100% (>33%) in the given array.
Example 3
Input: @ints = (1,2,3)
Output: 1

1 appeared 1 times.
2 appeared 1 times.
3 appeared 1 times.

Since all three appeared 33.3% (>33%) in the given array.
We pick the smallest of all.

I use a hash to count appearances. I grep the integers that appear more than a third of the times and I use min from List::Util to choose the smallest one. As division is not exact, I multiply the number of appearances by three, instead of dividing the number of integers by three. The result fits a one-liner.

Example 1:

perl -MList::Util=min -E '
$f{$_}++ for @ARGV; say "@ARGV -> ", min grep {3*$f{$_}>=@ARGV} keys %f;' 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 2


1 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 -> 3

Example 2:

perl -MList::Util=min -E '
$f{$_}++ for @ARGV; say "@ARGV -> ", min grep {3*$f{$_}>=@ARGV} keys %f;' 1 1


1 1 -> 1

Example 3:

perl -MList::Util=min -E '
$f{$_}++ for @ARGV; say "@ARGV -> ", min grep {3*$f{$_}>=@ARGV} keys %f;' 1 2 3


1 2 3 -> 1

The full code follows:

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 265
 2  # Task 1:  33% Appearance
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.36;
 6  use List::Util qw(min);
 7  die <<~"FIN" unless @ARGV;
 8      Usage: $0 N1 [N2...]
 9      to find the smallest of the numbers N1... that appears
10      with a frequency of at least a third.
11      FIN
12  my %frequencies;
13  $frequencies{$_}++ for @ARGV;
14  say "@ARGV -> ", (min grep {3*$frequencies{$_}>=@ARGV} keys %frequencies) // "undef";


./ 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 2
./ 1 1
./ 1 2 3
./ 1 2 3 4


1 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 -> 3
1 1 -> 1
1 2 3 -> 1
1 2 3 4 -> undef

Task 2: Completing Word

Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar

You are given a string, $str containing alphnumeric characters and
array of strings (alphabetic characters only), @str.

Write a script to find the shortest completing word. If none found
return empty string.

A completing word is a word that contains all the letters in the given
string, ignoring space and number. If a letter appeared more than once
in the given string then it must appear the same number or more in the word.

Example 1
Input: $str = 'aBc 11c'
       @str = ('accbbb', 'abc', 'abbc')
Output: 'accbbb'

The given string contains following, ignoring case and number:
a 1 times
b 1 times
c 2 times

The only string in the given array that satisfies the condition is 'accbbb'.
Example 2
Input: $str = 'Da2 abc'
       @str = ('abcm', 'baacd', 'abaadc')
Output: 'baacd'

The given string contains following, ignoring case and number:
a 2 times
b 1 times
c 1 times
d 1 times

The are 2 strings in the given array that satisfies the condition:
'baacd' and 'abaadc'.

Shortest of the two is 'baacd'
Example 3
Input: $str = 'JB 007'
       @str = ('jj', 'bb', 'bjb')
Output: 'bjb'

The given string contains following, ignoring case and number:
j 1 times
b 1 times

The only string in the given array that satisfies the condition is 'bjb'.

I make a function that counts letters and ignores non-letters. I grep all words by comparing their letter counts to those of the initial string and I sort them by length and, if necessary, alphabetically. The first word is then the desired result. This yields a 2.5-liner

Example 1:

perl -MList::Util=all -E '
($s,@s)=@ARGV; %f=c($s); @v=sort {length $a <=> length $b || $a cmp $b} grep{my %c=c($_);
all {$c{$_} >= $f{$_}} keys %f}@s; say "str=\"$s\" arr=@s -> $v[0]"; sub c($w){my %c; $c{$_}++
for grep {/[a-z]/} split "",lc $w; %c}
' "aBc 11c" accbbb abc abbc


str="aBc 11c" arr=accbbb abc abbc -> accbbb

Example 2:

perl -MList::Util=all -E '
($s,@s)=@ARGV; %f=c($s); @v=sort {length $a <=> length $b || $a cmp $b} grep{my %c=c($_);
all {$c{$_} >= $f{$_}} keys %f}@s; say "str=\"$s\" arr=@s -> $v[0]"; sub c($w){my %c; $c{$_}++
for grep {/[a-z]/} split "",lc $w; %c}
' "Da2 abc" abcm baacd abaadc


str="Da2 abc" arr=abcm baacd abaadc -> baacd

Example 3:

perl -MList::Util=all -E '
($s,@s)=@ARGV; %f=c($s); @v=sort {length $a <=> length $b || $a cmp $b} grep{my %c=c($_);
all {$c{$_} >= $f{$_}} keys %f}@s; say "str=\"$s\" arr=@s -> $v[0]"; sub c($w){my %c; $c{$_}++
for grep {/[a-z]/} split "",lc $w; %c}
' "JB 007" jj bb bjb


str="JB 007" arr=jj bb bjb -> bjb

Another example:

perl -MList::Util=all -E '
($s,@s)=@ARGV; %f=c($s); @v=sort {length $a <=> length $b || $a cmp $b} grep{my %c=c($_);
all {$c{$_} >= $f{$_}} keys %f}@s; say "str=\"$s\" arr=@s -> $v[0]"; sub c($w){my %c; $c{$_}++
for grep {/[a-z]/} split "",lc $w; %c}
' "abc" abc bca cab


str="abc" arr=abc bca cab -> abc

The full code follows. I added some tests and print “” if there is no completing string.

 1  # Perl weekly challenge 265
 2  # Task 2:  Completing Word
 3  #
 4  # See
 5  use v5.36;
 6  use List::Util qw(all);
 7  die <<~"FIN" unless @ARGV;
 8      Usage: $0 S [W1...]
 9      to find the shortest completing word of string S among the words W1, W2...
10      FIN
11  my ($string, @words)=@ARGV;
12  my %frequencies = count_letters($string);
13  my @ordered= sort {length $a <=> length $b || $a cmp $b}
14               grep {
15                   my %c=count_letters($_);
16                   all {
17                       ($c{$_}//0) >= $frequencies{$_}
18                   }
19                   keys %frequencies
20               } @words;
21  say "str=\"$string\" words=@words -> ", $ordered[0] // '""';
22  sub count_letters($word){
23      my %count;
24      $count{$_}++ for grep {/[a-z]/} split "",lc $word;
25      %count
26  }


./ "aBc 11c" accbbb abc abbc
./ "Da2 abc" abcm baacd abaadc
./ "JB 007" jj bb bjb
./ "abc" abc bca cab
./ "abc" ab bc ca


str="aBc 11c" words=accbbb abc abbc -> accbbb
str="Da2 abc" words=abcm baacd abaadc -> baacd
str="JB 007" words=jj bb bjb -> bjb
str="abc" words=abc bca cab -> abc
str="abc" words=ab bc ca -> ""
Written on April 16, 2024